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Website help

This website is designed to work on laptops, tablets & mobiles but they all have their little quirks...
As we go through a website learning curve any known quirks will be reported here.
Please identify any such quirks found but not listed via this email link thank you!
If using a large screen monitor or TV you will need to adjust the "zoom" view on your screen.
When a link from this website leads to a document or spreadsheet to get back to the site use the backward                    arrow on your browser.
This website is maintained voluntarily by members who are not website professionals...

Known quirks

Reported Feb 24.
  • Google map "address" pointer is not quite pointing to specific entry on Corkscrew Hill.
  • Page for password is headed Guest - this page can not be customised  so no change to Member



If you find an error on the website please email use EMAIL US below...

be sure to quote the device you are using laptop / tablet / mobile

Website Contributors

Please let David or Mike have your contributions a.s.a.p to ensure the site is as up-to-date as possible


If you have a suggestion for additional content or just a view on how to improve the site email use EMAIL US below

Website Contributors

If you have a problem adding content please contact Mike or David

Keep fit in West Wickham
Play Bowls throughout the summer
Enjoy a sociable friendly club
Enjoy afternoon tea and something stronger
New Members very welcome  - free coaching
Terrific local sports club


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