Organisers Jeanette and Malcolm
January Prize Winners
£200 Peter Jeffries / £100 Tim Jordan / £50 Dave Brown
£25 Chris Gadsden & Ted Martin
The Prize Draw runs from May to April - all members can enter this internally run draw.
Apply to Jeanette or Malcolm Whitehead to join - entry can be at any time through the year.
The current cost of entry for a single allocated number is £60 (or pro rata by month / half year).
Each month the prize draw event occurs; in the clubhouse in front of a social audience.
Each month four prizes are drawn 1st £100 / 2nd £50 / 3rd & 4th £25.
In addition each quarter month (July/October/January/April) an extra prize is drawn of £200.
In December an additional four prizes are drawn of £100 each.
All members of the prize draw are notified of the monthly winners by email.
Prize winners receive their prize payments by direct payment in to their nominated bank account.
Payments are managed via the Treasurer.