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TOP TIPS for members to find their way around this website
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HOME PAGE - your fast track to most used functions
Using the various "buttons" on show you can quickly move to the most frequently used functions; booking a rink, KCBA competition information for Division 1, latest bowling news and see what the next events are. There's also a hot link to the latest breaking news.

website help & known quirks & feedback
Known quirks and fixes to these plus members can record errors found
NEWS your direct route to the latest news from across the club

Recently announced news brought to your attention hot off the press
There are drop down menus covering Social Events / Prize Draw / Catch Up

A general round up of recent news plus a gateway to either
1. Bowls News Updates or 2. Non Bowls News

This is your entry point to all bowling news - general news for all, specific ladies and specific men's news plus news on friendlies. Separate news boards for Aggregates & Autumn Cup, for Internal Club Competitions and even an end of season round up.

News relating to friendly fixtures and across the bowls sections

You'll find general updates for the Ladies section. Plus KCWBA comps, NWK & Jubilee league games and other playing information.

Here you'll find bowls news updates covering many topics.
Plus around up of NWK games covering all three men's teams

Updates from the team that manage these well attended, very friendly and most enjoyable regular internal games - with tea and biscuits and monthly prize winners...
FIXTURE LIST - what matches are next up

You'll find a full fixture list here plus all the NWK fixtures.
There'll be all the known league tables on view.
GENERAL INFO - admin stuff you should be aware of

The sub page "Need to know Admin" is where you'll find important and necessary documents; Rules of the club; Authority and expenditure limits applicable to the different committees and officers, GDPR, Insurance certificates.
MEMBER AREA - questions? The answer will likely be here

The password protected sub page Member Menu contains a whole raft of information. If you want to find out stuff it'll most likely be here.
SOCIAL NEWS - future socials

From here view the next scheduled social activities - you can even put your name down from the luxury of your arm chair.
Check out the club's Prize Draw and the lucky monthly winners.

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